The Human Experience

#9 - Blake Chalfant: You are here to Realign with Yourself

Blake Season 1 Episode 8

You have arrived, and this is exactly where you are supposed to be. You are being asked to take a moment to realign with yourself and the path you are on. How are you? What are you feeling? Take a breath and breathe into all the different parts of your current experience.

So much of the time, we are distracted on a constant hamster wheel of life without actually pausing to assess where we are and whether we are connected to our center. In the midst of this chaos, many of us don’t realize how far we have strayed from our center and our path, so it is essential that we come back to this space.

It is through the acknowledgment of where we are and the softening into it that we return to the raw, core expression of our being. From this place, we can realign with the pulse of life that is always, in all ways, moving through us.


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